Welcome to Janya Fertility Clinic
Where life begins and grows
Insight from History of IVF – A Boon for the childless
Prof. Sir Robert G.Edwards
Dr. Patrick Steptoe
Dr. Subhash Mukhopadhyaya
For years, Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Prof. Sir Robert G.Edwards best known as father of IVF, were pursuing research in the field of IVF treatment. The driving force behind this pursuit was ‘life’ both the patients and life of themselves. For the patients to fulfill the dream of having their own little one. For themselves, the satisfaction of doing a worthwhile and unique deed that will change people’s lives.The mission was realized with the successful birth of Louise Brown, the world’s first IVF baby, Prof. Sir Robert G.Edwards was awarded Nobel Prize for medicine – 2010 for this pioneering achievements.
Subhash Mukhopadhyay was a Bengali physician from Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, India, who created the world’s second and India’s first child using in-vitro fertilisation — Durga, who was born in 1978, just 67 days after the first IVF baby in United Kingdom.
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